I joined OTRS Group in April 2019. In fact, my this was my first interview on the job hunt after uni. I felt like it was a good presentation, so it was kind of a “why not try” situation.
Before I started, it was simply intriguing to me. It sounded like a good chance for personal and professional development. Now that I have been in the role for a little while, I feel like I’m actually making a difference, helping to re-shape the company and the product by keeping an agile point of view. Plus, working with people, instead of software, is the way forward for me. I’m grateful for having had a chance to figure that out.
We hold frequent and exhaustive video calls, although they are not always about work. Plus, we will connect to work alongside team mates at times.
I start around 7.00 a.m when the light is still dim. I have a hot, black, fresh coffee. Then, I start checking emails and reading up on what happened in the world. It’s perfect for me.
The whole agile transformation of OTRS group. You can see its effects in more and more sectors of our daily doing. What started out as a new spin on developing software has become a new way of thinking about topics like ‘work’, ‘value’ and ‘responsibility’.