The Stock

Invest successfully in the future and tap into the potential of help desk and IT service management software OTRS.

To compete successfully in saturated markets, today’s enterprise service organizations must deliver measurable value contributions and high-quality services at optimized costs. OTRS offers solutions that are applicable to customer service, IT service management and corporate security, helping companies to demonstrably increase their service quality. The solution concept includes both hardware-side platform management with the implementation of updates and upgrades, as well as complete application management, i.e. the application, including its administration, the implementation of necessary patches, upgrades and, most importantly, security-critical updates.

The service management software saves valuable resources by increasing efficiency, and it is easy to integrate. OTRS is, therefore, a powerful alternative to inflexible and expensive third-party solutions on the market.

Invest Success­fully in the Future – Our Share Price Perfor­mance

Share­holder Structure

UX3 GmbH
Free Float

Share Infor­mation



Stock Market Code


Authorized Capital (in EUR)


Number of shares


Initial Quotation


Index Indication

Basic Board

Analysts' Assess­ments

Current research reports about the OTRS stock

Montega AG – Equity Research

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